Zone Runner

by euphoric rush dx

1. Reasons
2. Game Premise
3. Controls
4. Level Details
5. Passwords

1. Reasons

This game was created in two weeks using Multimedia Fusion 1.5, and was for a small competiton which I initiated with Steve Wardale, a fellow klikker, and head of Blossum Games. We both had two weeks to come up with something, and after numerous ideas, scrapped tests and painstaking hours of labour, THIS is my result.

2. Game Premise

This is a retro platformer. You control a little character, who must collect treasure by running through the zones, hence the moniker of Zone Runner. There were initially meant to be 30 levels, but time restrictions and the fact that I was running out of ideas creatively ensured that the last five never got completed.

This game is HARD, make no mistake about it. Sure, it's easy enough to start with, to ease the player into the game, but by around level seven they'll be sweating curry sauce.

3. Controls

Simple really. If you don't have a joystick plugged in, then you move the character around each arena with the left and right cursor keys. SHIFT makes him jump. Bingo. Collect all the coins in each level while avoiding the baddies, to progress.

4. Level Details

Zone Runner has three worlds, the first two have 10 levels each, the last has 5. They are named (in respective order): NOOBIEZ WORLD, CHRISTMAS FRIDGE, and FIERY FINALE.

Many obstacles will do their best to prevent your success. Things like moving mines, still mines, disappearing platforms, bad guys, springs positioned under mines, lava, fireballs, ice cubes...and moving platforms. Yes, that's right. They are a hazard because you have to move along with them, rather than just stand on them. You'll see what I mean when you encounter them.

5. Passwords

Obviously, I'm not gonna tell you them, but at the end of each world a series of numbers will appear. This is the password for the following world. Enter it via the Password screen at the main menu.

FINAL NOTE: Please ensure that all the music files, BASS.DLL and the game are in the same folder. Else you won't hear any music.